Consulting Services

At Geocentric, we take pride in our knowledgeable, experienced and innovative environmental professionals and technical support personnel. Our in-house team has successfully delivered value-added Environmental Services across Canada and Internationally. Our professionals are active in the environmental industry, delivering presentations and professional development workshops at contaminated sites conferences, and teaching courses on hydrogeology, contaminant transport and remediation. We have contributed to the development of our profession through research of innovative new remedial technologies and continuous publication of scientific papers and guidance documents.

Site Investigations and Evaluation

Phase 1 to 3 ESIs
Conceptual Site Models
Brownfields Redevelopment
Portfolio Management/Liability Transfer
Solvent, and NAPL Mobility Studies
Forensic Chemistry

Hydrogeological Investigations

Groundwater flow, dewatering and transport studies
Water balance studies and Compliance monitoring
Mine Site Hydrogeological Evaluations and Permitting
Baseline Hydrogeological Characterization
Compliant Groundwater Monitoring Plans (O.Reg. 240/00)
Conceptual Site Models
Permits to Take Water Evaluations
Forensic Chemistry
Hydrogeological Investigations

Numerical, Fate & Transport Modelling

3-D groundwater flow and reactive contaminant transport
Water resources modelling for predicting long-term supply
sustainability and dewatering
Numerical Modelling- Site Remediation Design
Numerical Modelling- Pit Dewatering and Post Closure Flooding
Peer Reviews

Remedial Strategies, Design and Implementation

Site Management Plans, and Remediation Action plans
Arctic Remediation
Technical Specifications and Cost Estimating
Bid & Contract Support Services

Environmental Consulting

Policy and Guidance Document Support
Environmental ReserveManagement / Asset Management
Expert Witness/Litigation Support
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