Site Closure Strategies and Remediation

  • Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Chlorinated Solvents Groundwater Plume at Former Gloucester Landfill, Ottawa, Ontario. Development of the remedial design, including the selection of the study area, product volume and treatment zone calculations, monitoring and injection well configurations, groundwater sampling programs; directing completion of subsurface injections and KB-1® culture.
  • Groundwater Management Programs, Yukon. Geocentric was responsible for the work plan development, study protocol and implementation of an airport wide groundwater study to determine plume stability, Natural Attenuation potential and fate and transport evaluations at over 70 AECs. The work included detailed analysis of each AEC, including FFTAs, source areas, groundwater monitoring results, competition of robust statistical analysis (Mann- Kandell, moving averages, correlation coefficients), natural attenuation studies and fate and transport evaluations. The end result was the development of 5 year management plans.
  • PFAS Investigation, Remedial Options Analysis, Site Closure Strategies, Cambridge Bay, NU. Geocentric acted as a senior technical review of the fate and transport and remedial strategies of PFAS/PFOA in groundwater and surface water. These sites were associated with a remediated Fire Fighting Training Area and source areas in constructed Biocells.
  • Environmental Site Investigations, HHERA and Site Remediation Iqaluit Airport Landfill, Iqaluit, NU. Completion of Phase 1 to III ESA, Remedial Options and Risk Assessment, Geotechnical Evaluation, Geophysical Surveys, Remedial Options Analysis, Site Specific Risk Assessment, Remedial Action Planning, Permitting, Liability Estimation and Tender Specification Preparation and Remedial Implementation at the former military landfill, Iqaluit, Nunavut. Geocentric helps oversee and direct a $6M remedial project. A significant component of the project was determining the design and stability of a waste landfill and discharge of PCBs, PAHs and metals into permafrost/talik environment adjacent to the sensitive Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park.
  • Environmental Remedial Management, Eastern Canada. This project involved Environmental Site Investigations, Remedial Action Plans, Pilot test, Natural Attenuation and Plume Stability Assessments, MPE recovery system, Risk management and communication and priority cleanups. Approximately 15,000 litres of recoverable LNAPL was present (diesel/PAH mixture- transgas). Following the successful pilot test, a full- scale remedial design was completed in order to recover LNAPL, reduce the soil and groundwater impacts and recover soil vapour. A groundwater plume stability and natural attenuation assessment was completed to understand and protect against downgradient impacts to the municipal well field. Numerical models were used to simulate NAPL and Dissolved Phase fate and transport.
  • Multiphase Extraction system design and implementation, former Railyard, Toronto, Ontario. An in- situ remediation program was designed for the recovery of diesel LNAPL capable of recovering the diesel plume at the property limit and off-site to minimize environmental impacts in a residential setting. The MPE system was capable of recovering LPH from a depth of 9 m below ground surface in a sandy/silty environment. The system recovered over 25 m.t. of hydrocarbons at a process rate of approx. 40 L/min. As part of the work, special attention was placed on emulsion and bacterial sludge production in the waste streams.
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