Program and Policy Development
- Development of a Risk Based Decision Making Framework for the Decommissioning and Abandonment of Pipelines PARSC 008 for the Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC). We were involved in the Development of a framework to guide hazard and risk-based decision making by operators during the planning phases of pipeline abandonment. We were also involved in the development of Abandonment Plans for submission of Applications to Abandon Pipelines, as per Section 74 of the National Energy Board (NEB) Act.
- Lead author of the PWGSC Contaminated Sites Risk Management Best Practice document. The best practice was an instrumental departmental document on how to effectively manage, report and ensure adequate environmental protection for site closure activities.
- Development of DND’s Contaminated Site Management Framework. The framework captured a holistic approach to managing a large portfolio of contaminated sites with scales ranging from an established military base to surplus property, as part of past expropriation of lands.