Numerical Modelling

  • Principal Hydrogeologist for the Groundwater Evaluation of Pit Flooding and Geochemistry, preparation of a conceptual site model, groundwater quality and surface water quality evaluation and development of a 3-D numerical model to evaluate pit flooding predications as part of the closure plan and Enviromental Impact Statement for the Impala Mine, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for the Hydrogeological Investigation, groundwater monitoring plan and predictive modeling, preparation of a conceptual site model, groundwater quality and surface water quality evaluation and development of a 3-D numerical model to evaluate the hydrogeological conditions predications as part of the regulatory submissions, Clean Air Metals, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
  • 3-D transient groundwater flow and transport model of cVOC migration, Cape Canaveral Plant, Florida. A number of disposal pits were historically used for waste chlorinated solvent disposal. A multi- layer 3D-Visual MODFLOW model was developed and calibrated to steady-state conditions and stress conditions. Particle tracking was used to show capture zones, travel times and discharge areas. Various remedial pump and treat and barrier wall remedial systems were simulated and evaluated.
  • LNAPL release and mobility model. Stephen was the project manager, Providing a major pipeline operator with a Petroleum Liquids Release Volume and Mobility Estimating Tool (Tool) that will quickly and efficiently facilitate calculation of the initial spill volume and emissions estimates. The Tool provided approximate screening level volume and mass estimates; designed to calculate the volume of a spill on land and/or water and the portions contained on the surface, in the subsurface, and the evaporated volatile fraction.
  • Fate and transport of PHCs, PAHs, capture zone analysis of a municipal well field, physical hydrogeological testing in a bedrock fracture flow environment, New Brunswick. A 3-D Visual MODFLOW model was developed to understand potential future migration of PHCs/PAHs and remedial strategies.
  • Fate and Transport Modelling, Colomac Mine, NWT. Developed a novel rehabilitation plan/design which included capping coupled with the construction of natural attenuation wetlands and passive treatment systems. The work involved shoreline engineering, numerical modeling to determine diffusion through caps and subaqueous construction techniques and a detailed review of the hydrogeological, surface water and fate and transport of the free phase hydrocarbon in a complex fractured rock setting with mobile free phase hydrocarbons. Stephen received an “Award of Recognition” from the Federal Government for this project.
  • Principal Modeller of well head protection capture zone analysis using 3 different modelling techniques. A representative site was modelled using an analytical solution, a 2-D model and full 3-D model to evaluate the different capture zones produced and discrepancies with the approaches. The analytical solution overestimated the capture zone area by over 50% as compared to the unique solution obtained from the 3-D model.
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