Environmental Site Investigations and Assessments

  • Hydrogeological Site Investigation of a PCE/TCE chlorinated solvent plume, Toronto, Ontario. Geocentric completed detailed Phase I to Phase III ESAs Assessment, hydrogeological assessment and waste characterization to determine the location of potential residual wastes and the vertical and horizontal distribution of the VOC source area in soils. The work involved the investigation and historical research into potential soil and groundwater source areas in a heavily industrialized area. A plume source investigation was completed to evaluate possible source areas using a weight of evidence approach including historical research and NAPL indicators, site hydrogeology, chemical signatures and ratios. Innovated techniques were used to evaluate and calculate the potential residual mass in soil contributing to the groundwater impacts Geocentric developed cost allocations, risk management plans and site closure strategies including a wider area of abatement risk assessment.
  • Portfolio management, environmental site assessments, designated substance and Environmental Compliance Audits at over 40 Canadian Embassies and over 300 crown-owned property in Europe, East Europe, Asia, South-East Asia, South America, USA, Central America for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). The work included the development of an investigation program and completion of all field activities including geophysical surveys, test pitting, borehole drilling and sampling of environmental media; follow up intrusive investigations and develop a risk management and priority management strategy for each property. Geocentric provided successful delivery and value added services over a 7 year program.
  • Environmental Site investigation of the Oil fields and brine fields for Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), Kuwait. The work included developing SOPs for site investigation work, implementing site programs and multiple field crews, logistics and project management, overseeing assessment team results, trouble shooting and presentation of results, volume estimates and schedule.
  • Site Investigations of PCB impacted wetland, Northern Ontario. PCBs and PHCs had impacted a local off-site wetland area. A detailed soil and analytical test was completed which detailed the hazardous and non-hazardous PCB impacted areas and vertical profiles. A remedial plan, design and tender specifications were developed. All work was undertaken and submitted to the Provincial and Federal agencies for review.
  • Phase I and Phase II ESA, Risk Management Plan and Remedial Options Analysis. Ottawa, Ontario PHCs, metals and PAHs were present within the footprint of a proposed outdoor stadium. A fast track Phase I and II Environmental Site Investigations were completed in accordance with the Ontario O.Reg. 153/04 (amended) Record of Site Condition reporting requirements. The program was designed to ensure proper characterization of the site for the indoor/outdoor stadium. A comprehensive field program was designed including a Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA with drilling, testing pitting, soil, water and vapour sampling and QA/QC program. A risk management plan, following the Modified Generic Risk Assessment Tier II approach was prepared which outlined the fill cap requirements, monitoring and site closure protocols. A Long-Term monitoring plan was proposed with a schedule for the specific on-site issues.
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